Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day. For church today, we performed an arrangement I wrote. It’s a duet/mashup of two primary songs, Teacher Do You Love Me, with lyrics changed to “mother”, and Mother I Love you. Since I don’t want to publish the live track without any of the performer’s permission, below is the track I recorded earlier this month to help the performers prepare. The piece is in Chinese, and is sung by my kind wife. This is my first real Mother’s Day without Mom, I believe she was able to hear it somewhere up above.


Sheet Music Links:

Chinese Version: Mother Will You Love Me Mother I Love You Chinese 2015-04-30

English Version: Mother Will You Love Me Mother I Love You English 2015-04-30

20 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Jen Bayles says:

    Hi Jared,

    I’d love to have my primary kids learn this song for Mother’s day this year. Can I get your permission to sing it in sacrament meeting? I am also on a facebook group for primary choristers and I’m sure that many wards would enjoy this arrangement. Would it be okay for me to share your webpage with them?

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Jen,

      Sorry it took so long to respond! I hope you were able to use it for Mother’s day. Feel free to share my webpage on your facebook page!

  2. Lynness says:

    I’m the Primary chorister and ran across this last week- I think we’re going to try this, if we have permission to copy. I liked it but initially thought it would be too much to do in too little time, but I keep feeling like the youth need to be included and their mothers need to hear their song. It’s a lot more than I’ve ever tried to do and we only have a month, but the Primary kids know “Mother, I Love You” from last year, so hopefully the accompaniment isn’t too much for our pianist and the changes from the original in the youth part aren’t too much for them and directing it all together isn’t too much for me 🙂 I noticed you said in response to another comment on another post that you could change the key. If it is not a hard thing to do, could you take it down a half-step to A flat/B flat or a whole to G/A? I think that would be easier for my pianist (and me, when I’m practicing playing it myself- I think better in flats than sharps for some reason). If you use Lilypond to engrave, my husband could even do that part. If not, we’ll try to work it up as is. Thanks for putting these pieces together and making them available on the net!

    1. Lynness says:

      PS- I don’t know anything about violins, so if you can change the key and one is better than the other for the violin, then use that one, please.

      1. Trisha Allred says:

        Beautiful song! Thanks so much for posting. I was wondering if I could get it in a different key as well.
        Thank you,

        1. Jared says:

          Hi Trisha,

          Let me know what key you’d like it in and I can send it to you.


    2. Jared says:

      Hi Lynness,

      Sorry, didn’t see this comment until today. If you end up needing the arrangement changed in the future, just send me an e-mail and I can send you changes directly.

  3. Reyna Guzman says:




  4. Kelly says:

    This arrangement is beautiful. I am the Music Chair for our ward and would love to have our primary and youth perform this for Mother’s Day. Would you give us permission to copy and sing this piece? We could purchase copies as well. Thank you.

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Kelly, you have my permission to copy and sing the piece. I hope it goes well. If you end up recording a practice session, I’d love to hear it. Best, Jared

  5. Jennifer says:

    Hi, I love this arrangement and would love to have our youth and primary sing this for Mother’s Day with your permission? I am trying to print the music and it won’t print. Is there something special I need to do? Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Jennifer,

      I’ve sent you the music as a PDF. Let me know if this helps!

  6. Maren says:

    Beautiful arrangement! I was wondering if I could also get this in a different key? 5 sharps is really throwing me off! A half step lower would be great, as mentioned in one of the above comments. Thank you so much!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Maren, sorry for the delay. Just sent you the transposed version. Best, Jared

  7. Michelle says:

    I would love a copy of the transposed version as well… we tried this today and we struggled – it’s so gorgeous but it is not sounding so great when we are singing it 🙂 I’m not sure the transposition will help, but maybe… any tips on getting jr primary to sing the different notes in the song when it’s combined?

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Michelle,

      I’ve gotten a lot of requests for the G major version, which I just posted in the Sheet music section of the website. What specific measures are giving the Jr. primary difficulties (my guess is starting at measure 60)? I’ve seen different primary choristers hold up signs to remind children of a very specific change. But I agreethe different notes is something you have to practice with them so they’re used to it before you can use the signs

  8. Kathryn says:

    We are hoping to have our Young Women sing this for mother’s day! Do you happen to have an mp3 of the English version so the girls and hear how it goes?

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Kathryn,

      I don’t have one yet in English but do want to record one this year for Mother’s day. I’m hoping I can get something recorded soon enough that I can send it to you.


      1. McKenna says:

        Hi Jared. did you ever get an English version of this recorded? It’s a beautiful arrangement!

  9. Amber T. Wade says:

    Hello, I just came across your medley with one of my favorite lesser known primary songs. Yrah!! Did you ever transpose it down the half or whole step? I’d love to get a copy if possible as it will be easier for my pianist and my singers. Thanks!!


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